Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lambda Literary Foundation

This award is given out to authors of books for the the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangender community.  Here is a link to the website for more information!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So far, I feel like blogging is okay.  However its really frustrating for me because I have so many blogs in my other classes as well, it gets old after awhile.  It also is annoying because all my blogs are due on different dates at different times, it can get difficult to keep track of everything.  Personally, blogging about readings and such does not help me, I would benefit much more from a class disucssion.  However, I enjoy blogging if it is less formal like this blog is.  I like being able to contribute my thoughts and feelings.  This way it does not feel forced.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Over Critisizing Literature

We just got done talking in our questioning the text discussion groups and I had to make a post about what we talked about.  Deb brought up a really great point that is there possbility that we are being too critical of the literature we read and use in our classrooms.  Can literature just be used for enjoyment and not have to be realistic and 100 percent politically correct?  I personally feel that it does not.  My heart was broken in TE348 when my teacher talked about the book Little House on The Prarie being bad and offensive due to negative remarks about Native Americans.  It is of my opinion that that as a teacher we can still enjoy this book within our classroom and use the negative aspects as lessons to our students.


This book brought up so many interesting points that I had really had not thought about before.  All I can remember as a kid is getting new students in my class and sometimes they were from a different country.  I try to put myself in Habibi's place and think about how I might have felt if my parents had decided to move our family to the middle east as I was going in to highschool.  To me, I would be very angry and confused.  However, I did not see this from Habibi, I saw the confussion, but she never seemed incredibly angry with her parents.  Perhaps this is a cultural thing as well since her father was from the middle east, Habibi did not want to upset him or hurt his feelings since he was so excited to move.  These are my thoughts so far!