Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss USA

I was watching the Today show this morning and they were all in an uproar about the other night Miss USA pagent.  Aparently Miss California made a political blunder that cost her the crown.  Openly gay, Perez Hilton, asked Miss California a question regarding her views on gay marrage.  Aparently she answered that in her belief system that she thought marrage should be between a man and a woman.  Perez, responded to this later on after the pagent on a video blog about how outraged he was and other homosexuals around the world.  Perez was then interviewed on the Today show and he indicated that he thought the contestent was stupid and a bi*ch.  He did not understand why should could not have given a politically correct answer to make everyone comfortable such as saying that she is leaving her beliefs out of the question and that she is proud to live in a country where we are allowed to make such changes to our country such as gay marrage.  Miss California was then interviewed after Perez and told Matt Lauer that she would not change her answer if she had a choice and that she is proud for standing up for her religous convictions.
I find it really interesting that this happens the same week as our Boy Meets Boy discussion.  I think it is really up for debate whether Miss California should have been given lower scores for giving her personal opinion.  Perhaps Perez' question should have been thrown out because either way your answer it, somone is not going to be happy with the answer.


  1. I read this article on today.com or someplace online and after the article there were several thousand comments on it- obviously a hot topic. At the point I was reading it I was rather surprised that most people were supporting Miss California and saying that it was "dumb" that sticking to her political beliefs and own opinions cost her the crown and we should support her for sticking with what she believes in. While I agree that it is true that she stayed with what she believed in that does not mean its right and that does not mean that it was not appropriate. What if she believed in something like white supremacy- or no inter-racial marriage. Would it have been acceptable for her to state her views then? Just because you have a viewpoint does not make it "okay". If people always stuck to their backwards beliefs and everyone else supported them for doing so what kind of progress would our country ever meet?
    I think this would be a good subject to bring up in class tomorrow- thanks for posting

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  3. On another note, honesty is certainly an admirable quality that I would hope one competing for the title of Miss USA would possess. Sticking to her guns and remaining true to her beliefs while knowing full well it may put her at odds with members of the gay and/or heterosexual community takes strength. It is easy to present a facade of "world peace" in order to merely pacify an audience but takes courage and strength to speak your mind in the face of adversity. Regardless of one's personal beliefs towards this socio-political debate, you certainly cannot fault her for being honest..
