Monday, March 9, 2009

Faciliatated Communication

Last week we watched a short film about a woman who has grown up with Autism.  During this movie an important moment in her life was when she learned to use facilitated communication.  The interesting thing is is the fact that facilitated communication has been proved to not work.  Here is a link to video about facilitated communication...I would really recommend watching this because it just shows how fast things change in the world of Special Education.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Al Capone!

While reading this book I felt it was such a creative story and a novel that many students would find interesting.  However I really wish that the story would focus on more on Natalie and less on Moose.  I feel then people with special needs could relate more to the novel, rather than having to read a novel about how people in their family are struggling dealing with their disablity.  This is my overall feel about the novel, that its more about how a family has to struggle with someone with special needs and if I were a person with special needs and read this book, it would make me feel badly, like I was a burrden to my family.